Monday, September 6, 2004

School Mom

Through this my e-diets internet friends were wonderful, they let me vent and cry, but they were concerned. Where was the Bouncy Tiggerr, they knew. Some didn't understand what I had to be depressed about. I had great kids, a wonderful husband with a good job etc etc etc. I was told over and over to just "snap out of it". I had managed to lose over 30 pounds before Mom died and now I had gained 40. Of course not all was due to the anti depressants, but the 10 pounds I gained in one week was. What a circle. you are depressed so you eat, you get fat and get more depressed. I felt like a failure. Where did I go. I truly didn't recognize myself.

Being a Stay at home Mom again, I began devoting my self to the kids school. My youngest had started full time school so I was free all day. The kids laughed at my jokes. They even beleived me when I told them I was 94 years old

I started volunteering to teach computer to the 1st and Kindergarten classes to give them the extra time. It was great. My daughter’s class was in Kindergarten and my son’s favorite teacher was the first grade teacher. I grew especially close to the kindergarten teacher.

I really felt good, especially at the first parents meeting when the principal introduced me when she introduced the rest of the teachers. I met more of the other parents and soon started having more good days than bad.