Monday, August 29, 2005

It's only just begun

No I promise not to sing.

School Started in late August 2005.

I knew something was wrong at the Ice cream social. What was supposed to be a feel good, get to know one another event, soon was obviously one of those us & you, sort of things. All the class lists were up, but the strange/uncomfortable thing was that all the kids from the “home team” had their birth-dates next to their names. The “visitors” did not.

This clearly identified the two groups as such. There was no attempt to make the new kids feel welcome. To make things worse. The information was clearly available for both groups or they could have been left off both groups, but there was no move or Leadership? position taken by the principal. Was this to be a forecast of the rest of the year?

I felt close to so many of the kids from our old school, but I was also concerned for my own. How would these new kids (and parents) react to my rather Odd kids. I knew the parents were resentful and since children learn what they live, I was afraid the kids would be too. Add the teachers with a new principle and much larger classes, and my kids would get lost for sure.

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