Sunday, June 5, 2005


Plans began to finalize as the school year drew to a close. The teachers were hired and our principle was chosen to lead the new school. She was getting so busy that I substituted for computer class the whole month of May. The kids kept asking me to come teach at the new school. It was the supreme compliment. At a school tour, I had seen the brand new fancy computers there. I told them all about it and how fast they would be. I also told them that I would be offering to help and maybe start a computer club after school if the new computer teacher would allow it.

When the powers that be finally decided on a name for the school, I immediately updated the home page of the site I had built and registered a domain name after getting the go ahead of a consolidation team member . Yes he was my husband but he was also the head of the school board and a committee head. I shot an email off to the principal informing her of my activities and offered to meet with her to discuss any additions to the site she might have.

Before I received her reply, I saw her personally at her office. That’s when she informed me that she had given the school’s website to the church’s web master. There was no reason given, other than she thought my site was supposed to be temporary. Something I had never been told.

Yes I was devastated. I didn’t know what I done wrong or why this was happening. I wondered if I had offended her in some way. I found out later that the webmaster felt I was horning in on his territory by fixing the computers in the lab. I had seen him several times but he never said anything to me. In fact he always appeared to be so tired and busy and annoyed with the fact that the kids had wrecked up the computers again. I didn’t want to take away his job as the designer of the churches site. Surely there was enough work involved there. It wasn’t updated that often so I assumed he was busy with his day job. and of course there was the fact that I thought that a site separate from that associated with either church would somehow, appease the other school. They felt we were taking over their school as it was and they had to make so many changes because of us. Needless to say, I left in tears, never being able to control those emotions.

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